Policy and System
Sustainability Policy
The TRYT Group upholds the credo “We create a future where everyone has a fulfilling life by solving the issues faced by essential industries with a focus on medical welfare” as its corporate purpose. The Group will solve challenges faced by medical, welfare, construction, and other essential industries, such as eliminating labor shortages, reducing the burden of front-line workers, and improving labor productivity. By doing so, the Group aims to promote and support the creation of a work-friendly environment in these industries, thereby contributing to their development.
Furthermore, to achieve a sustainable society, we will collaborate with all stakeholders, including essential workers who support society and employees of our Group, in creating new value toward a better future. In this light, we have set the following four priority themes.
- 1. Promoting the retention of human resources in the healthcare, welfare and construction industries while creating diverse job opportunities
- 2. Supporting the creation of a work-friendly environment for professionals in the healthcare and welfare industry
- 3. Cultivating a corporate culture that ensures employee growth and job satisfaction
- 4. Building and operating a management foundation that supports sustainable business growth
Sustainability Promotion System
The TRYT Group considers the promotion of sustainability as one of its important management issues. To strengthen Group-wide sustainability initiatives, the Group has in place the Sustainability Committee, headed by the President and Representative Director CEO and chaired by the General Manager of the Public Relations, External Affairs and Sustainability Division, as well as a working group that serves as a preliminary advisory body to the Sustainability Committee. The Sustainability Committee meets once a quarter in principle to monitor progress in promoting sustainability activities, confirm issues, and discuss and report on sustainability disclosures, the content of which is referred to the Board of Directors for advice. Furthermore, the Standing Audit & Supervisory Board Member and General Manager of the Internal Audit Division attend the Sustainability Committee and provide their opinions as needed.