Our Business

The TRYT Group provides job placement temporary staffing services mainly for the elderly care, nursing, and childcare fields to address issues in essential industries, such as solving labor shortages, reducing on-site workloads, and improving labor productivity, as well as Digital solutions to support the medical and welfare fields. We also focus on employment support for people who are qualified but not employed in the medical and welfare industry, as well as helping people interested in the nursing profession to obtain the relevant qualifications, in an effort to create a work-friendly environment and develop human resources for the medical and welfare industry.

Medical and welfare

Job placement/
temporary staffing business

A wide variety of professionals are involved in the medical and welfare fields, including not only nurses, childcare workers, care managers, certified care workers, and other caregivers, but also physical therapists, occupational therapists, speech therapists, nutritionists, dietitians, licensed cooks, dentists, dental hygienists, clinical laboratory technicians, clinical engineering technicians, and medical radiology technicians. The TRYT Group has career consultants nationwide, each of whom provides dedicated fine-tuned support to both job seekers and employers. We especially focus on rural areas, where labor shortages are becoming increasingly severe. By gaining a deep understanding of the needs of each region, based on the different characteristics of each region and company, and the future career vision of each job seeker, we aim to achieve faster and more optimal matching and employment attention.

Direct recruiting

The TRYT Group offers its Direct Recruitment Service on its unique recruitment platform that connects those seeking jobs in the medical and welfare fields with companies who are looking for workers. Our years of knowledge and experience in human resource services are incorporated into this digital platform, and a support system is in place through a specialized organization to resolve any concerns or problems that may arise during the job search and recruitment process. We will strive to provide options and services that fit the work styles of both job seekers and employers.

Direct recruiting

ICT Solution

The TRYT Group provides services that help improve on-site productivity and employee retention to help solve various issues facing the medical and welfare industry.

ICT & Data utilization
  • ICT solutionWe are working to promote ICT to improve productivity and employee retention in the medical and welfare fields. As a system developer for care facilities, BRIGHTVIE Co., Ltd. a subsidiary of TRYT Inc., helps care facilities improve their on-site operational efficiency through its “Care Data Connect,” a data integration platform that centrally manages care and medical data obtained from domestic and overseas healthcare technology manufacturers. In addition, through “Carez Connect,” a communication tool specialized in ensuring the psychological safety and motivation of caregivers, the company contributes to the creation of an environment conducive to employee retention and care facilities where people want to continue working. Furthermore, the ICT BPO Center in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, offers IT-related reskilling programs for qualified nurses and care workers, etc., for the smooth introduction of ICT in the medical and welfare fields.


In response to the government’s encouragement of reskilling and the shortage of workers in the care industry, we help those who are interested in care but have no experience to obtain an entry-level qualification for the care profession through the Kaigo Shokuin Shoninsha Kenshu (Care Worker Introduction Course). We operate the Kaigo Worker College, a school for obtaining this certification, as a place to acquire technical and professional skills and to assist in job placement, thereby contributing to the career development of care workers and the creation of jobs in nursing and medical facilities.



Job placement/temporary staffing business

We provide temporary staffing and job placement services for construction management engineers (site supervisors) at construction sites across the country, mainly for super and major general contractors. The TRYT Engineering Inc. a subsidiary of TRYT Inc., has many experienced engineers as well as young workers specialized in construction management, civil engineering management, facility construction management, electrical construction management, plant construction management, and CAD operation. The TRYT Group also pays attention to skills development by supporting workers' efforts to acquire qualifications, and has expert teams to assist the industry with employee retention and other issues.
