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We aim to create a better future for workers and realize a sustainable society
—Meeting the challenges of essential industries caused by labor shortage—

トライトグループ 代表取締役 笹井 英孝

Upholding the corporate purpose, “We create a future where everyone has a fulfilling life by solving the issues faced by essential industries with a focus on medical welfare,” the TRYT Group provides human resource services and ICT solutions to resolve social issues arising from labor shortages.

In Japan, the working population is projected to decrease due to the declining birthrate and aging population, while the number of workers needed in the medical and welfare industry is expected to increase to 9.4 million in 2025 and 10.7 million in 2040.*1 The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare estimates that the demand for long-term care workers will reach approximately 2.9 million by 2040, leaving a shortfall of about 690,000 workers compared to 2019.*2

Under these circumstances, the TRYT Group focuses on efforts to increase the number of workers in the medical and welfare industry by appropriately matching job seekers with employers, providing reskilling opportunities, and supporting potential workers with qualifications to help them return to work. Last year, based on the knowledge and know-how accumulated over the years through job placement service business, we launched a new recruitment platform, “Direct Recruiting Service,” to provide a wider variety of options in recruiting activities.

In addition, in order to contribute to the realization of sustainable medical and elderly care, we are not only expanding our service to rural areas where there is a growing shortage of health care workers, but also strengthening our support for the introduction of ICT to improve productivity and personnel retention. In particular, in the elderly care field, we are working to create workplaces where care workers want to stay through various initiatives, including provision of a platform tailored for elderly care facilities. Furthermore, at the ICT BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) Center, which was opened in Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, the well-trained staff with frontline nursing and elderly care experience support medical and welfare facilities nationwide in introducing elderly care software, thereby promoting smooth and efficient introduction of ICT in the medical and welfare field.

Toward the realization of a sustainable society, the TRYT Group will continue to evolve and change ceaselessly in order to exceed customer expectations and meet the diversifying needs of job seekers and medical and welfare facilities, as well as their users and their families. We sincerely ask for the continued understanding and support of all our stakeholders.

President and Representative Director,

Hidetaka Sasai

  • *1 : “Changes in the number of workers in the health and welfare industry estimated from demand data” in Eighth Medical Care Plan and Regional Medical Plan (2022) by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare
  • *2 : The actual number of long-term care workers in fiscal 2019, based on the “number of long-term care workers” in Number of Long-Term Care Workers Needed Based on the Eighth Long-Term Care Insurance Service Plan (2021) by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare